March 18, 2014

Nonfiction Book Project

We are wrapping up the end of the 3rd quarter of school, so it was time for another book project!...Yes, spring break is within sight! I require my students to complete a book project each quarter.  This quarter's book project had to be on a nonfiction/informational book.  My students were allowed to pick any topic that they wanted to learn more about.  It was fun to see what they selected!  

My students created a cereal box with information about their topic, including Common Core aligned tasks. They had to summarize, explain their use of text features, define content vocabulary, and make connections to the text.  They turned out great!

 Front Cover

 Back of the Box
Summaries and Connections to the Text

 Sides of the Box
Vocabulary and Text Features


  1. I love this! I actually did this project when I was in middle school for a design your own cereal box (it was for a nutrition class). Awesome idea :)

  2. Absolutely fabulous idea that I will be sharing!
    Thank you~ Theresa
