January 10, 2013

Valentine's Day Figurative Language Activities

I just posted my new Valentine's Day Figurative Language Activities set!  The preview below shows some of the pages included, but there are many more as well.  Check it out in my TpT store! :)

-Two simile handouts for students to fill in the blanks to complete the similes
-An original Valentine's Day Idiom Story, including answer key and answer form for students (students must identify the 13 idioms in the story)
-A "Valentine's Day Idiom Booklet" with two cover options and 12 "heart" idioms (with space for students to put both the literal and figurative meanings of the idioms), as well as an answer key with the literal definitions of the idioms
-An onomatopoeia heart for students to record examples
-Two "Figurative Language Challenge" sheets for students to write their own examples of figurative language, using the key words "love" and "heart"
-Two blank comic strips and a page of suggestions for their use
-"Hyperbole for My Valentine" page for students to write examples of hyperbole
-A page with hyperbole examples
-"Metaphors about Love" page for students to explain what the metaphors mean
-Posters for the following terms: simile, metaphor, idiom, hyperbole, and onomatopoeia