May 12-13: I attended the Google Summit at Kalahari. I love learning new things, especially in regards to incorporating technology in the classroom, so I had a blast! :)
May 15: My three language arts classes each had their own wax museum. My students wrote five paragraph biographies in April, and then we practiced working on our wax museum speeches after that. We invited parents and other classes to attend. I'd never done a wax museum before, but I was so happy with how it went that I would definitely do one again!
May 16: My students turned in their last book project of the year, and they absolutely ROCKED! I tweaked Primary Polka Dot's Instagram inspired project to work for our reports. The students thought it was really cool, and t
May 10 & 17: I worked at the Scholastic Warehouse Sale. If you've never been to one before, you NEED to go! Most books are 50% off (some newer titles are 20% off). It's the 5th or 6th year I've worked at the sales; they take place in December and May every year. Working at the sales has really helped me build up my classroom library over the years!
May 21: I'm the advisor for my school's student council. We went to a senior living facility to play some
All May: We've been working on our last set of literature groups for the year. I got the idea for using Kidblog during our lit. groups from Amelia (Where the Wild Things Learn). It's been a great way for students to demonstrate their comprehension and provide thoughtful feedback to one another.
Students who have finished their posts early are now using PowToon to create video summaries of their stories. I showed the students how to create their own videos using the free features, and they picked up on it super quickly. I'm amazed at what they've been able to make already..I will have to post one of their videos soon!