May 27, 2012
Blog Hop
Check out this awesome blog hop put together by Donna from Math Coach's Corner. You can find some awesome blogs in your preferred grade levels!
May 22, 2012
Top 100 List
OMG!!! I don't know how I missed this, but I was the #68 seller in earnings on TpT last week, and one of my products was #37!!! This is the first time I have made it on either list, and I'm so excited. I just wanted to share the news. Thank you for all of your support over the last two and a half months. I have really enjoyed creating resources to share on TpT!
May 20, 2012
Narrative Elements Resources and Owl Themed Word Wall
I know this is a random pairing, but they are my two most recent posts to TpT, so I wanted to share them with you. I made a set of theme park inspired narrative elements resources. There are posters for the following elements: plot, plot structure (two options), setting, characters, protagonist, antagonist, dialogue, conflict, resolution, theme, and moral. I also created an original story entitled "Roller Land" that goes with the posters. Lastly, there are some student resources including a set of notes about the narrative elements, a blank plot structure handout students can fill out, and a graphic organizer that can be used with any fictional story. You can have your students complete the organizer as an assessment of their understanding of narrative elements!
I also recently posted an owl themed word wall pack, per request. There are full sized and half page sized owls. This resource compliments my "Owl Themed Classroom" pack.
I also recently posted an owl themed word wall pack, per request. There are full sized and half page sized owls. This resource compliments my "Owl Themed Classroom" pack.
Also, on a side note, we are getting close to my 50 followers freebie for the blog! So excited!
May 14, 2012
End of the Year FREEBIE!
Since the end of the year is upon us, I decided to create a FREEBIE that students can use to reflect upon the year. Students can fill in different writing prompts about their school year on scoops of ice cream. Then, they can stack their scoops of ice cream to create a delicious display. Enjoy!
Also, click on the link below if you are looking for cute end of the year certificates for your students!
May 09, 2012
6th Grade LA Common Core Resources
I am already thinking about next school year! I have recently started to look at the Common Core Standards for 6th grade language arts. We will be using the new standards starting next year, so I wanted to familiarize myself with them. I decided to make some bright posters to hang in my classroom to display the standards as they are being covered. I also wanted to create some handouts for myself and my students. I created a checklist for myself, so I can keep track of the standards as we go through them. I also made two sets of handouts for my students. One is a sheet they can use to record the dates we worked on the standards, as well as the portfolio page number where you can find samples of their work related to that standard, and the other sheet is a reflection tool students can use to rate how confident they feel about each standard. I think the students' portfolios would be another great resources to use for student-led parent-teacher conferences. I created a couple of cute portfolio covers, and I am looking forward to implementing these news materials in my classroom next year!
The Common Core Standards were developed and written by the NGA. © Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.
May 05, 2012
May 03, 2012
End of the Year Certificates
My school year will be ending in the next few weeks. I can't believe how fast the year has flown by!! On the last day of school, we do an award ceremony and a picnic. At the award ceremony, we hand out certificates for students who have been working hard throughout the year. I decided to make some new certificates this year, in preparation for our upcoming award ceremony. I made 27 colorful certificates. Check them out below!